Lunch Program
A nutritious hot lunch, with milk, is served Monday through Friday in the school lunch area. The school participates in the hot lunch program sponsored by the National School Lunch Program and meals are provided by the San Diego Unified School District.
A menu is sent via SchoolSpeak, in the green Family Folders and email regularly, and all families may order the hot lunches, if they choose. Every lunch must be picked up by students or the school must pay for it. The cost is $4.00.
Lunch must be ordered ONE day before lunch is desired. Parents are encouraged to order lunches weekly or monthly. An accurate count is maintained of all lunches served, and parents will be billed through the Blackbaud (SMART) Tuition system for lunches their child does not pick up.
Lunch Application Instructions - English
Lunch Application Instructions - Spanish
Please return completed lunch applications directly to the school.