Dress Code at St. Rita's School
Students must be in complete uniform each day beginning with the first day of school. Homeroom teachers will communicate with parents about any problems.
Navy twill pants
White or green polo shirt with school logo
Gray PE T-shirt with school logo (for PE days only)
Navy blue mesh PE shorts/sweatpants with school logo (for PE days only)
Collared white button-down shirt under the sweater vest for formal uniform
Navy blue tie for formal uniform days (Mass, field trips, special occasions) gr. 5-8
Navy logo sweater/jacket. Non-uniform jackets are permitted outdoors only.
Socks are to be solid color white or navy crew socks and must cover the ankle.
ONLY BLACK athletic shoes
Boys’ hair must be trimmed to the top of the collar and must be above the eyebrows. No fad hairstyles are permitted: No tails, shaved heads, Mohawk styles, lines, designs, spikes or bleached/colored hair.
Earrings are not permitted.
Only small necklaces with crosses or religious medals are permitted.
Plaid jumper gr. K-4
Plaid skirt gr. 5-8 (Length must not be shorter than 3 inches above the kneecaps)
White or green polo shirt with school logo
Gray PE T-shirt with school logo (for PE days only)
Navy blue mesh PE shorts/sweatpants with school logo (for PE days only)
Collared white button-down shirt under jumper gr. K-4 / sweater vest gr.5-8 for formal uniform
Plaid tie for formal uniform days (Mass, field trips, special occasions) gr.5-8
Navy sweater/jacket with school logo. Non-uniform jackets are permitted outdoors only.
Socks are to be solid color white or navy crew socks and must cover the ankle.
Girls may wear white or navy tights or leggings on cold days.
ONLY BLACK athletic shoes
Bleached, highlighted, tipped or colored hair is not permitted.
Hair bands, barrettes and bows to match the uniform.
No cosmetics (makeup) of any kind. No fake nails or nail polish.
If ears are pierced, one pair of small earrings may be worn on the ear lobe. No excessive dangling or hoop earrings are permitted.
Only small necklaces with crosses or religious medals are permitted.