Daily Schedule
6:00am St. Rita’s Extended Care opens in Art Studio
8:00am Morning Assembly in Assembly Area
9:40-9:55am 5-8 Snack/Recess
10:00-10:15am K-4 Snack/Recess
12:25-1:05pm Lunch period
12:00pm Dismissal on Minimum Days (EVERY WEDNESDAY)
3:00pm Regular Dismissal time
6:00pm St. Rita’s School Extended Care closes
Morning Drop Off
For MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS: In single file, cars are to enter from the alley off of San Jacinto Drive and drive to the school’s back entrance. Drivers remain in the car. Students exit from right-side car doors and enter the school campus, gathering in the assembly area. The car then continues, making a left turn and exiting the alley onto Santa Margarita Street. Absolutely no parking or idling is allowed in this public right of way.
For KINDERGARTEN - 4TH GRADE STUDENTS: In single file, cars are to enter the new driveway off of Imperial Avenue and drive to the turn-about between the church and Art Studio. Drivers remain in the car. Students exit from right-side car doors and enter the school campus, gathering in the assembly area. The car then continues, making a right turn onto Imperial Avenue.
For PRESCHOOL STUDENTS: In single file, cars are to enter the new driveway off of Imperial Avenue and park in the spaces just outside the preschool playground to sign in their child. When leaving, re-enter the turn-about in the counterclockwise flow of traffic, making a right turn onto Imperial Avenue.
Afternoon Pick Up
Car riders are to be picked up in the same area they arrive at school. Vehicles should follow the same traffic patterns as in the morning drop off.
Children may not be picked up in the Church parking lot. Students are not allowed to wait for their rides off campus; instead they should wait with their teacher in the designated pick up areas for safety reasons.